Monday, March 1, 2010


I am a big GAGA fan. I love her music and everything about her. She recently did a cover for Q magazine that was soo HAWT! IT doesnt hit the stans until March 23 but i found a picture of it.

SEE what I mean she is RAW!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cant believe

So much time has passed so quickly.. There have been so many ups and downs for me and now I am finally about to turn 21 soon. I cannot believe it.

To believe in myself I have to literally wake up everyday with a smile
hoping that today will not be like yesterday.
To believe in myself I have to know that my current situation will only get better from here.
To believe in myself I have to strive for greatness almost every day
To believe in myself I have to know that Love is out there somewhere but I am in no rush to find it
To believe in myself I have to that God does and so do I

Some people become completely dependent on others in some way.. maybe its emotionally, physically, finacially, or mentally. But that will never happen to me. I know for a fact that I will not get sucked into being dependent on others because I was not raised that way. I know that I can get myself through anything without anyones' help as long as I believe in me.

LIFE is just starting and I am now starting my pursuit of happiness

Finally GOT MY BABY!!!

This is Joshua Nathan he was born December 10,2009
he weighs 3 pounds full Pomeranian
He is sooooo adorable
the love of my lfie

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Forever Misunderstood
That's what my whole being seems to be.. people never understand why I am the way that I am
Maybe its because no one ever gets close enough to learn  or maybe its because they are right sometimes I really just don't give a damn
I am a very strong woman.. I  live by " if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger"
With everything I have been through I have to be
You go through life thinking your not good enough.. and your never gonna be as good as others..
so why not be strong.. Strong enough to not let your own insecurities get in the way of the stuff you want
Keep your head high and know that in time things you want will happen for you

Sunday, January 17, 2010

;) 2010 is good so far

so I had my first GoGo audition the other night. It was sooo fun wish me luck on making it. I thought I was going to be very nervous up there but I was ok.
School is starting soon and I can't wait I am going to be dancing 20 to 30 hrs a week.
Me and my girls are going to Miami in May
So many things already looking up.. THIS IS MY YEAR =)

Last but not least I am wifed. I haven't really had a relationship since like 2008 ( well a realtionship that really counts lol )  But I asked her and she said yeaaa. ONE13twenty10 xoxo  Me and MY pusha
Under the pic is the song that reminds me of her so you will understand why I call her that

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I want to be a GOGO dancer

I have been dancing for about 9 years now doing everythig from ballet to hip hop. When i was 18 and started goin to clubs i see these girls on the stage who CANNOT dance lol but they are very pretty. I researched it and everything and decided i want to do it. Mainly because I can prolly dance better than all those girls and I live to dance anyway. It seems realy fun and I know i would be great up there. Im trying to get some auditions and stuff. IF anyone can give me any advice on how to get started let me know.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Have you ever been the victim? Have you ever had everyone looking at you like you were a home wrecker? like you fucked up a good thing? If this has happened to you I feel your pain. To have people knowing things about you and forming their own opinons about who you might be when they dont even know you...... ALL because of one person?........ That person made you believe things even had your friends believing it too. Knowing that this situation I was put in for 2009 and some of 2008 is just upsetting. I didn't want this... I never tried to go after someone that belonged to someone else, that person came after me. There are alot of women who end up becomming this "other woman" like myself without even knowing it. When a person like this comes along your not expecting it.... they seem so friendly like they are really trying to get to know you. Tellin you how different you seem to be and how its so great that you guys are "friends" first before anything. You dont expect this person to actually lie about all this.... maybe you really are friends. I have talked to some girls who have been the other woman and the main chick who have ended up in this situation. With the main chicks they have no type of sympathy for the other woman... they think that they are sluts or whores who seek out people who have gfs because they like attention. Although sometimes that is true ,but those women  are just very unhappy. I was happy when it happened to me Livin life and loving it actually. Then I spoke to an older woman who was the "other woman" and she knew that this man and his girlfriend had just broken up ( or so he said) ,but she figured she would be nice and she knew he was attracted to her.Then 18 months later she has to deal with the fact that this man LIED TO HER the entire time. He never really broke it off when he said he did, he was never as in love as he claimed to be, and he actually had a son he never told her about. He used her and then threw her away once his main chick started gettin to suspicious. Now shes left to deal with the fact that she wasted so much time and energy on someone who never really wanted her in the first place, she was just fun at the moment, Or when the guy couldn't be the person he was supposed to be to his main chick thats when he was with her because he knew she wasnt asking much she just wanted him. I feel her pain I had almost her exact same situation this year. I haven't always been the best person in my life ,but then again who has. Goin through this has made me an even stronger person than I was before. I have never needed a woman to validate my existance but for the first time I allowed myself to feel and then it all ended up being BULLSHIT. Everyone wants to know am I  afraid to feel again? the answer is No. im just glad that THAT person and that part of my life is finally over. Believe me there is more to the story ,but thats all that needs to be said. SO 2010 is my NO BS MOVEMENT im not taking it from any person... despite what some people may believe I actually am a good person and I know this upcomming year will bring good things. I can't wait for 2010

SHOUT out to MY PUSHA shes great. I call her this because of a song that perfectly describes what she is to me right now she just keeps my pushin in the right direction. Im sure if she reads this she would be too excited. YES DEAR I do care about you lol.

MY final thought is THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE so start telling it no matter how bad its gonna hurt.

LOVE always

About Me

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I am thinking now I want to be a performer. I have always been able to sing and dance ,but now Im thinking do i can them both hmmmm